Seems like not too much unusual going on. We are finding that the topography in Clarinda, IA verses La Feria, TX involves a lot more gears and HARD PEDALING on the trikes. Had not really thought about the fact that area around La Feria is flat as a table top. It isn't here. Only did 5 miles the couple times we been out. With the 3.5" rain and really high winds last few days we have not been out. Nice sunshine here yesterday and after a start of 42º in the morning it was 62º in the afternoon and we were out for almost an hour. Got to stop and visit a friend and her two kids (Tawnya Sliger) for a bit.
As a way to catch up..... here are some pictures from the heavy rains, and wind Saturday:
These two photos were taken about 6:45 pm on Saturday, shortly before the two tornadoes. One hit Creston, some 60 miles east of us, and one hit Thurman, some 35 miles west of us.
We got about 3 inches of rain during this evening session of rain. The next morning dumped another 1/2 inch from the gauge.
Ah, see the terrible destruction at our place. Almost hate to mention it in view of the terrible destruction at Thurman and Creston, but,,,,,,,,,,my 6 foot tall windmill did blow over and the wheel and vane came clear off. Phyllis set the frame back up and I am going to add a bolt or two to the vane and re-install the wheel. Also spent time picking up pretty small branches and twigs from the lawn.
On Sunday morning after coming back from church I took this picture out our bedroom window to the deck showing the bright sunshine.
We sang in the choir at church, first time since last October (after spending the winter in Texas) and got to visit with some people at coffee afterwards.
Thank our Good Lord that you two weren't hurt and you didn't suffer too much damage. Praying for all those in the tornado alley area! Just terrible and this is just April 17.