Sunday, November 2, 2014

November 2014

La Feria, Texas - 77 degrees - mostly overcast

Friday night was the first event of the year at the Rec Hall.  Mike Todd, the new Activity Director had quite a layout of goodies - said his wife had baked them.  Also several games, had Pizza delivered and we all chowed down.

Mike Todd is in the center of photo.

 Phyllis is getting re-acquainted with Dave Engle while Jan is watching.  Lawrence Ferguson is to the left and behind him are our neighbors Joyce and Kevin Dacey.

I discovered this 18" tall cactus that had grown over the summer on top of neighbor Harold & LaRhoda Neher's carport.

It had grown up through the screen that protects the drainage trough.  I took it down and planted it in our back yard; wasn't able to pull many roots out, though so don't know if it has a chance to take root or not.

 Back of the Ford before I started taking out the trikes.  Had pretty much dismantled them to make room for all the "stuff" we brought from Iowa.

Guy from Time Warner came Thursday to hook up cable for our Internet.

Saturday evening we had Don & Lawrence Ferguson  and Jake and Helen Ferguson came over for game of Dominoes.

Phyllis wrapped all the tomatoes she had picked before it got cold/and we left Iowa in newspaper.  These were all really green then, but are starting to ripen now that they are out in some light.

We rode the trikes about 5 miles this morning, in the park and to the north thru the apartment area and to the north of that through Yellow Rose RV Park.  This tractor and baler were working in the field just north of Yellow Rose.

Below - Pin cushion cactus quadrupled over summer
Cactus planted 2 years ago now 8 foot tall.

 Phyllis caught these sunset photos as we were coming the last 50 miles to La Feria Wednesday.

We pulled in to the vacant lot beside us and slept in trailer first couple nights before got Electricity turned on in the Mobile home.

Spent most of the time since Wednesday hauling all our "stuff and things" from the trailer to the mobile home.  Put up the awnings (lowered while gone to protect the windows), get stuff out of the shop/storage area of the Texas Room, trying to figure out where things are (almost got used to stuff in trailer coming down - change from home - and then getting used to where things are here).

Finished my book on Kindle "That Bear Ate My Pants" and have started two more in print and one more in Kindle on the phone and one in Kindle on the laptop.  Would tell you their names, but can't remember right now.

More one of these days, Lynn

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