Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Our Labor Day Weekend trip to Michigan

 Clarinda, IA 67º - Phyllis dumped one inch of rain out of our gauge about an hour ago.  Am showing photos taken on the Friday before Labor Day when we were near Free Soil (Close to Ludington) Michigan at the cabin that Michelle's friend Linda owns.
They had driven from Delaware, Ohio (Close to Columbus), arriving late Thursday evening.  We had unhooked the trailer at a campground about 6 miles from their place.

Linda said hadn't played Pegs and Jokers, but she sure picked up on it.

On Saturday we visited with Linda's daughter and her husband and two boys.

      Picking peaches at a "U-Pick" orchard - we also picked apples there.

Linda is raising grandson Cameron (at left)
and granddaughter Aiza (at left - with Phyllis)

They are by a different daughter of Linda's.

Having trouble with this blogger, so will close and start another post.


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