Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Kenwood RV 50th Wedding Anniversary program

La Feria, TX 78º sunny, windy

   I have made an album of 30 photos out of a couple hundred I have of Sunday night's program where four park couples were honored for 50 years married in 2012.  Many more couples were noted as having been married before 1962.   Click on this link:

Photos from Kenwood 50th Wedding Anniversary

Will write more tomorrow.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Video of the middle school kids

La Feria, TX 72º
   I was able to upload the video of the mariachi band.  Here it is:

You will have to copy and past it into your browser.  Can't quite figure out yet how to get it as a live link.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Amazing kids

La Feria, TX 71º sunshine.
     After 41º yesterday morning with rain, today is a nice day.  We went with big group to Mexican restaurant at south end of La Feria for lunch after church.
     On Friday evening we and two other couples from the park went to San Juan to the Basilica for some great entertainment by Mariachi bands.

Bob & Bobbi Raab, Lyle & Doris Winter, Phyllis Miles

Mariachi Juvenil de America (Veterans Middle School, Rio Grande City, Texas) performing at The Basilica of Our Lady of San Jauan del Valley on Friday, February 24, 2012

Mariachi Universitario performing at The Basilica of Our Lady of San Jauan del Valley on Friday, February 24, 2012
Mariachi Nueva Era (Valley View High School, Hidalgo, Texas) performing at The Basilica of Our Lady of San Jauan del Valley on Friday, February 24, 2012
     Was really good, especially the middle school.  I am trying to upload to You Tube of the middle school kids.  It is only a couple minutes long, but it shows only 7% uploaded after 35 minutes, so will see if it does finish -- will post address on another blog.
Tonight I am to photograph for an event at the Rec Hall honoring celebrants of 50 years of marriage this year, as well as recognizing those married more than 50 years.  Will report on it later.
     Many people are talking about the price of gasoline and diesel.  Local station is at $3479 for unleaded and  $3.899 for diesel. 
Till next time, Lynn

Friday, February 24, 2012

Some old photos

For those of you who are not my Facebook Friend --  Here are some photos I had put on there recently (as well as a few that weren't on Facebook):

At Aunt Ruth's in Watertown, SD September 1962.
— with Pearl Miles, Ruth Arborgast,  Louise Miles, Kermit Miles and Darrell Miles at Watertown, SD.

Behind Aunt Alma's place - Sunday afternoon picnic with the French's

Taken in September 1962 in Woolsey, SD. brother Darrell Miles, cousin Rosemarie Senija (Koch), dad Kermit Miles, sister Louise Miles, aunt Alma Senija, mom Pearl Miles. All are now deceased except Darrell. — at Woolsey, SD.

At Uncle Jack's near Gothenburg, NE in 1962 Uncle Bud & Aunt Alice where there. Picture is bright and hard to see. Many of the Miles are there.
Dad - Kermit Miles - on the weekend of J F Kennedy's assassination.
1966 - Carolyn, Keith and Phyllis Miles

Keith, and Cameron Miles 1966

Dad - Kermit Miles - on Tweet in Custer County, Nebraska - 1966
1972 Phyllis, Michelle, Cameron, Lynn Miles

1972 - Darrell, Roger, Kermit, Lynn, Louise, Pearl Miles.  At Louise's Nurses Graduation.

Cooler Friday

La Feria, Texas 62º light rain, wind 25 MPH from north, Gusts at 37 MPH
    We went to the "greet & meet" at the Rec Hall last evening.  They had some 26 different wines that people had brought, from all over the US and Canada, which were tasted, tested, and discussed by many.  Along with the crackers, dip and wine and several give-aways was a nice couple hours.

 We returned to the Hall later in the evening for Bean Bag Baseball

Rousing hope with the team.
This morning it was windy, but 70 degrees and rain threatening as well as a cold front.  Phyllis had gone to her early morning water exercises and I decided was time to put some miles on the trike.  I did about 5 miles before the 8:00 am floor/chair exercises at the hall.  We ate breakfast and then went back to the hall for Choir Practice and then a meeting to organize the Kenwood Midwest Summer Rally.  Had a nice turn out.

Seems like will be good turnout this summer at Lola Schoppe's place in State Center, Iowa, from supper on August 7th through breakfast on August 10th.  Camping spots available or rooms will be available in Marshalltown.
Tonight we are going, with two other couples, to a performance in San Juan.
Last I was on the trike, the skies looked pretty dark.  Calling for 90% chance of rain through the night.
Till later, Lynn

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Mosquitoes and humidity

La Feria, TX 74º with 85% humidity, 20-25 mph south winds.  To get to 88º forecast.
     Well, after some 4 to 6 weeks, I am starting to work again on the roof over the back door.  Lots of mosquito spray and with the wind, if not in protected area by the house, the mosquitoes aren't too bad.  But, some still are dining on my blood.  Last night when we were riding the trikes about 6:30 pm they were really bad and "dined" right through the repellent bug spray we had on. 

I haven't mentioned it on the recent posts, but each morning Phyllis gets up and is at the swimming pool by 6:45 am for a half-hour water aerobics class.  We both then go to the Rec Hall by 8:00 am and do about 25 minutes of stretching "chair" exercises before returning to our house for a bite of breakfast.  We normally ride our trikes and this morning I realized when about home that I had lost the odometer from my trike.  This is an electronic gadget and, when off the bracket on the trike, looks about like the face-only of a wrist watch.  I traced all my tracks several times (I had ridden some extra distance going to exercises) and after about a half our finally discovered it in the rocks by the door of the Rec Hall where I had parked the trike.  By that time Bill was there with is pickup to haul the few boxes and rolls of cloth, padding, etc., that is used by the sewing group at Care and Share so helped him load them at the little shed and then unload them at the Rec Hall.  With it being in the low 70's and overcast, even though it is muggy with the humidity, many people were walking the streets or biking for some exercise.  It has felt like it is going to rain, but hasn't quite.  Is to be a sure rain tomorrow, and maybe some by later this afternoon.  We also try to go riding the trikes each afternoon.  With going to the various activities that has been put off a bit recently.  Will try to get back to that and loose a few pounds we have picked up with our extra dining out with visitors.  Yeah, good luck with that!

Kind of interesting -- this is a photo of a framed picture that is hanging on the wall in Elsa's Bakery in Nuevo Progreso, Tamaulipas, Mexico.  It is of one of the breeding bulls from King Ranch taken in 1985 at the Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport.  Seemed a little unusual for that photo to be there, but imagine it is for the benefit of the Winter Texans.

We stopped at Granny Clare's Citrus on south Bass Boulevard when returning from the airport yesterday and got some oranges and grapefruit.  They keep them refrigerated after picking them and they are really fresh, even if they have been off the tree a bit.  With the electric "squeezer" we got earlier this winter it doesn't take long to squeeze orange juice.  We got some concentrate at the store and use it as an "extender" by mixing it with the fresh.  Phyllis will freeze some of the juice and we will use it as needed.  We each eat half a grapefruit every morning.
Till later, Lynn

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Time Flies

La Feria, TX  -  high of 88 and low of 68
    Patty flew back to Iowa today.  We dropped her at the airport about noon today and she called that she had arrived at her mother's place near Shenandoah, IA about 8:45 this evening.

This week had been busy.  After church Sunday we were able to eat out on the deck:
We had gone out to Mercedes to the Music Festival on Friday and saw/heard a lot of good entertainers.
Gary Smith, song writer and singer, was a real joy to listen to.

Patty got her picture taken with a mariachi band at Elsa's Bakery in Progreso, MX

 I picked up a new fedora in Mexico and thought it would cover the fact that I needed a hair cut, but was talked into getting a hair cut anyway.........
Tuesday we went to Bingo and Pizza with the Kenwood bunch at Gaddi's Pizza:
Yes, Cathy, Ken did win one of the Bingo's...............
  On the way back to the house we went north and then west (rather than the usual west and north) and saw this at a low area only a few miles from our house:

Roseate Spoonbill

Black Breasted Stilts

Phyllis is working with a committee helping for the "50th Wedding Anniversary" party at the Rec Hall this Sunday where those celebrating their 50th' wedding anniversary this year will be "paraded" and those over 50 will be noted.  Next year we will celebrate our 50th in March, so will be in the show, I guess.

Till next time, Lynn

Friday, February 17, 2012

That was the week that was (continued)

Here are a few photos of the skits after our Valentines Day Trailer Trash supper.

Wednesday we drove to Don-Wes Market (flea market) and ate at What-a-Burger on the way home.
Thursday we attended two sessions at the Rec Hall -- one by employee of the Sugar Mill and a lot of information on the growing and harvesting of the sugar cane and then their process of extracting the granule sugar and the syrup.  The dry matter that is first extracted is used to fire their steam process that powers huge electric generators that not only power the plant, but also the down of Santa Rosa full time and he said that due to the power lines through much of South Texas last year during our ice storm, the sugar mill provided power to much of the Rio Grande Valley for a day or so.  They were happy to sell this power.
Today (Friday) after exercises, a meeting with two other couples on the up-coming Mid-West Kenwood Reunion this summer, we drove to Mercedes and spent the afternoon at the Rio Grande Valley Music Festival 

Heard some real good music, of several venues.  Stopped to eat at a barbeque place close to La Feria.  Rained off and on during the day, but has been warm.
Plan to take it easy around the RV Park tomorrow and go over to Oliver & Mary Jo's in the evening to go out for Ice Cream & sandwiches and then maybe playing some cards.
Click on any of the photos to enlarge, and see as a slide show.  (You can also click on any of the blogs that I follow -- to the right -- and read any of them)
Will write later, Lynn

That was the week that was

La Feria, TX 77º cloudy
   Well, the week has gotten by, nearly, and I haven't made any post.
Looks like it was last Sunday.  Will look back through my photos and try to figure out what has been going on.  We are in the last week that Patty will be with us as she is to leave for Kansas City this next Wednesday.
Monday Phyllis and Patty went with the "Red Hatters" from Kenwood to a Mexican Restaurant at the south edge of La Feria.  They then went to the big new building of Kingdom Hall in La Feria.

Tuesday we drove to South Padre Island and went on a Dolphin/Eco Cruise Tour.  After eating lunch at Dirty Al's we watched a fishing boat come in and the guy cleaned the Whiting fish they had caught and the pelicans cleaned up the waste.
Guy at the counter cleaning fish.
Pelicans all waiting by the counter for the "left-overs".
The first 30 minutes or so on the boat, they drug a net on the bottom and then showed what the caught and defined the different fish and items brought up.

We then turned from the causeway bridge area and headed out towards the Gulf of Mexico where we spotted several dolphins.

The best pictures are movies that I took.  We headed back to Kenwood and after a really short nap we went up to the Rec Hall for the Stuffed Potato Valentines day supper and a program after.
With the theme of the Valentines Day dinner "Trailer Trash" some of the residents were in costume and much hilarity was experienced.
I am having trouble uploading all these pictures, so will post now and continue in next post.