Thursday, February 23, 2012

Mosquitoes and humidity

La Feria, TX 74º with 85% humidity, 20-25 mph south winds.  To get to 88º forecast.
     Well, after some 4 to 6 weeks, I am starting to work again on the roof over the back door.  Lots of mosquito spray and with the wind, if not in protected area by the house, the mosquitoes aren't too bad.  But, some still are dining on my blood.  Last night when we were riding the trikes about 6:30 pm they were really bad and "dined" right through the repellent bug spray we had on. 

I haven't mentioned it on the recent posts, but each morning Phyllis gets up and is at the swimming pool by 6:45 am for a half-hour water aerobics class.  We both then go to the Rec Hall by 8:00 am and do about 25 minutes of stretching "chair" exercises before returning to our house for a bite of breakfast.  We normally ride our trikes and this morning I realized when about home that I had lost the odometer from my trike.  This is an electronic gadget and, when off the bracket on the trike, looks about like the face-only of a wrist watch.  I traced all my tracks several times (I had ridden some extra distance going to exercises) and after about a half our finally discovered it in the rocks by the door of the Rec Hall where I had parked the trike.  By that time Bill was there with is pickup to haul the few boxes and rolls of cloth, padding, etc., that is used by the sewing group at Care and Share so helped him load them at the little shed and then unload them at the Rec Hall.  With it being in the low 70's and overcast, even though it is muggy with the humidity, many people were walking the streets or biking for some exercise.  It has felt like it is going to rain, but hasn't quite.  Is to be a sure rain tomorrow, and maybe some by later this afternoon.  We also try to go riding the trikes each afternoon.  With going to the various activities that has been put off a bit recently.  Will try to get back to that and loose a few pounds we have picked up with our extra dining out with visitors.  Yeah, good luck with that!

Kind of interesting -- this is a photo of a framed picture that is hanging on the wall in Elsa's Bakery in Nuevo Progreso, Tamaulipas, Mexico.  It is of one of the breeding bulls from King Ranch taken in 1985 at the Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport.  Seemed a little unusual for that photo to be there, but imagine it is for the benefit of the Winter Texans.

We stopped at Granny Clare's Citrus on south Bass Boulevard when returning from the airport yesterday and got some oranges and grapefruit.  They keep them refrigerated after picking them and they are really fresh, even if they have been off the tree a bit.  With the electric "squeezer" we got earlier this winter it doesn't take long to squeeze orange juice.  We got some concentrate at the store and use it as an "extender" by mixing it with the fresh.  Phyllis will freeze some of the juice and we will use it as needed.  We each eat half a grapefruit every morning.
Till later, Lynn

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