Friday, February 17, 2012

That was the week that was

La Feria, TX 77º cloudy
   Well, the week has gotten by, nearly, and I haven't made any post.
Looks like it was last Sunday.  Will look back through my photos and try to figure out what has been going on.  We are in the last week that Patty will be with us as she is to leave for Kansas City this next Wednesday.
Monday Phyllis and Patty went with the "Red Hatters" from Kenwood to a Mexican Restaurant at the south edge of La Feria.  They then went to the big new building of Kingdom Hall in La Feria.

Tuesday we drove to South Padre Island and went on a Dolphin/Eco Cruise Tour.  After eating lunch at Dirty Al's we watched a fishing boat come in and the guy cleaned the Whiting fish they had caught and the pelicans cleaned up the waste.
Guy at the counter cleaning fish.
Pelicans all waiting by the counter for the "left-overs".
The first 30 minutes or so on the boat, they drug a net on the bottom and then showed what the caught and defined the different fish and items brought up.

We then turned from the causeway bridge area and headed out towards the Gulf of Mexico where we spotted several dolphins.

The best pictures are movies that I took.  We headed back to Kenwood and after a really short nap we went up to the Rec Hall for the Stuffed Potato Valentines day supper and a program after.
With the theme of the Valentines Day dinner "Trailer Trash" some of the residents were in costume and much hilarity was experienced.
I am having trouble uploading all these pictures, so will post now and continue in next post.

1 comment:

  1. First time visiting your blog. I love the pictures from your Cruise Tour. What fun that must have been. Love the trailer trash theme. I will be back for sure! ~wheresweaver
