Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Cooler than usual in Iowa

Clarinda, IA  Been in the 50's the last few mornings. 

While riding trikes some 9 miles Sunday morning we were riding around the cement at the Clarinda Airport.  This field of corn is just beside the south hangers.

Lily in the back yard bloomed and I caught this moth, or miller, or something working on it.

Been putting some more bricks along side some of the driveway.  Got about 8 left to put down.

Chowing down on the great pork tenderloin Phyllis got at Mulholland Grocery in Malvern, IA last week.  Click on the link above to see their website.

Been working on insulating and putting wall on part of the workshop.  Got a couple outlets wired and light near the door and about ready to put the wall on after insulation and plastic sheet.

Stopped now to make a sled for the table saw to help cut some of the boards.  Will adapt it to the wood I have, but it is on the order of this Cross-cut-sled (click if you are interested).

Took this picture yesterday of the "garden".  Looks like some "maters" and peppers are coming.

Couple books I am reading now.  This one, A Rumor of War, is borrowed from Brother-in-Law Steve Gregory.  He served a year in Vietnam and said this was a very factual book.  This author, Philip Caputo,  went to Vietnam before it was actually considered a war, 1965, I think.  He later returned as a journalist at the time America pulled out.  Am only about a third into the book, but find it very interesting.

This is a book I never thought I would read - by Barack Obama.  I think he is the worst thing that has ever happened to our government, but am trying to get a little idea of his thinking.  Even as a youngster his mother gave him the devil for lying -- he has not lost that trait.  His activities as an "Organizer" revolved almost exclusively about helping the colored folks because they "never had a chance" to be like the white people.  His grandfather was a Muslim and I still think he is a Muslim at heart.  Interesting to look in to how he thinks, but still a dam shame the stupid people of America voted him in to office -- especially the 2nd time when they should have known better. 

Got this book - "We Are Still Married" from Patty Steckelberg.  It was one that her late husband, Rick, had bought and read.  I have only browsed so far, but it is the typical writing of Garrison Keillor.

More later, Lynn

Monday, July 28, 2014

July almost gone!

Clarinda, IA  81º and sunny.  Went for 9 mile trike ride this morning.  There is a breeze coming from the northwest that is making things cool off.  Turned off the air conditioner - had been running since last Monday - only 2nd time this summer we had run it.  Nice listening to the meter not turning!
Have put up photos on Picasa of those taken in July  click here  There is some doubling of photos, but have made a separate Colorado folder Click here

              This is view to the west from Niece Kara's house.  Almost looks like the Smokey Mountains in this photo.

This is taken at same time, but with my 20X telephoto pulling in the distant mountains.

We spent several hours in the Garden of the Gods near Colorado Springs.
 The "Kissing Camels" at Garden of the Gods.
Another formation at Garden of the Gods

Planted a couple 6" tall Lodge Pole Pines that we had brought from near Beth's place at Grand Lake, CO just north of our hedge on the bank behind our house.  Don't know if they will make it or not.  Have been watering them every couple days as it has been dry lately.

Got couple pieces of Aspen logs, cut them in two and have started drilling out 5 or 6" in the top of them to make them into flowerpots.

I have been putting the paving bricks in the ground by the sidewalk beside the shop to give an edge I can run the lawnmower on.

Phyllis' garden.  One tomato and one pepper plant.  Getting close to maybe getting some harvest from them.  In the meantime have enjoyed cucumbers and tomatoes from local people as well as sweetcorn bought from vendors.  Got a few ears from LaRhoda and Harold Neher's in Kansas last week.

Baby wrens waiting for food.

Momma or Poppa reaching in with a worm or bug.

Phyllis was trying to determine how many babies were in the wren house.

Bill & Twila Oberholser, who have spent winters in Kenwood RV Park in Texas, live full-time in their 5th wheel and spend summers at her mother's place near Boone, IA - came for a week visit.  On Wednesday we drove down to Hiawatha, KS and ate lunch at Gus' Restaurant in town and then went 
 Harold and LaRhoda's place to play Pegs & Jokers games.  Burl and Donna Penny, from nearby Troy, KS (who also winter in the Rio Grande Valley) joined us for the afternoon.
We didn't spend all our time playing Pegs & Jokers; we also ate.

Before we left, LaRhoda showed Phyllis her garden.

This is shot of geese on top of dam at north edge of Neher's farm.

On Thursday we spent time at the Page County Fair where Phyllis worked the pop stand for the 4-H people and we looked around a bit.

Friday night we went to the fair account the Circle 8 Square Dance Club usually dances for an hour during the fair to show people it is still done.  However, it was over 90 degrees with humidity at least as high and they took pity on the old folks exercising outside in this and cancelled.  So we came back home and played cards - Patty Steckelberg joined us and the Oberholsers.

On Friday we drove to Council Bluffs and toured the Union Pacific Railroad Museum.

Lots of display on 3 floors of this old Library now turned into UPRR Museum.

Many displays showing how the railroad was built and comparing the older methods with current day methods.

Before going to the Railroad Museum we went to the Omaha side of the Missouri River and walked most of the Bob Kerry Pedestrian Bridge.

Looking toward Omaha from middle of the bridge.

Looking towards Council Bluffs from center of the bridge.

Center of the river is state dividing line.

We discovered Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail Headquarters and Visitor Center
near the bridge.  Click here for their website  
I have followed a lot of Lewis & Clark and we spent a very interesting time there. 

Many interesting displays.
  I also bought a couple books while there.
Oberholsers headed back to Boone, IA Saturday morning and we have just worked around the shop and house.  We did 9 miles on the recumbent trikes on Sunday morning.
Weather cooling off so now (Monday morning as I finish this - started Sunday morning :(  ) will continue working on putting bricks in beside driveway.

More later, maybe.  Lynn

Monday, July 14, 2014

At Clarinda home

Clarinda, IA  Got back from Colorado Wednesday evening.  Had spent Monday evening and night with Phyllis' niece Kara, her husband Jason and kids Megan and Tyler in Denver.

 We were given a tour of the house they just moved to last fall.

And, went for a walk to see their neighborhood.

This view of downtown Denver was taken between two houses just a street east of their house.

 In the morning Monday we had left Gregory's near Grand Lake a little after 7 am.  Driven south and east to Denver.  Got to the capital in time to join the 10:30 am guided tour. 

Was very interesting and was got a lot of history of Colorado and the capital.  Was about noon when we finished and we walked downtown.  Was going to eat at the Brown Palace Hotel (like we did in February of 1965) but after looking at prices on a sample menu we walked on to a food court.  Looked around a bit and rode the full loop of the downtown free transit bus, watching people and seeing the sites.  Got to Kara and Jason Cooper's just about 5:30 pm when they were getting home from work.  Enjoyed visit and the BBQ Brats and sweet corn they had for supper on their deck.

We drove to Colorado Springs on Tuesday morning and went directly to the Garden of the Gods.  Those photos aren't on Picasa yet.  We met Jerry Koch and son Darren and had lunch together at a buffet.  Jerry's wife Rosemarie was my 1st cousin and passed away some 4 years ago.  After eating, we headed east, staying in Colby, KS.  Got a motel and then decided to drive by address of Pat & Lois Sumner's place to see where they live.  We had contacted them about maybe staying with them, but they were to be in Ohio visiting their daughter with the 5th wheel.  Discovered them sitting on their deck--they had come home just a bit early and arrived only the evening before.  They insisted on eating supper with them and we visited and toured their house and his huge garage and work-shop.   On Wednesday we drove to Clarinda.

Went to visitation of Bill Gilmore, friend and neighbor (of 3 blocks away) at the school gymnasium --he had been coach for many years and had many, many friends.  Was only 66, dying of a sudden heart attack.

Will get photos of last couple days posted to Picasa (where I can pick them up off the desktop pc that I usually use, or the laptop now on my lap in the recliner).

Later, Lynn

Sunday, July 6, 2014

In the Rockies

Grand Lake, Colorado - 50 degrees at 7 am - predicted 80 degrees for high today.

Last Monday, after visiting with Allison and Gary in Estes Park, we drove the Trail Ridge Road in the Rocky Mountain National Park  stopping
 at the visitor's center mid-way through.

At right is the Visitor's Center.

At left and below are views from the east side of that Visitor's Center

More elk as we neared the west entrance near Grand Lake, CO.

We arrived at Phyllis' sister Beth & Steve Gregory's home late afternoon Monday and have been visiting with them since (I write this on Sunday)  At right is view of their area for wood fires, and barbequing with their house in the background.  This is some 5 miles south of the town of Grand Lake.

 Along with visiting, we have spent time eating.

And, going on several walks.
Above photo, taken by Beth, shows us with Lake Granby in the background.  At right is almost-daily routine of sitting around fire near their front door visiting.

Many flowers in the mountains.

One day we drove to Granby, CO where the Gregory's have space in a community garden.  They returned with fresh salad fixin's.

One day we ate, and walked (until the bugs overwhelmed us) in Monarch Lake area.

 Lots more visiting while enjoying lots of good food.

One evening we dined at Mustachio's On The Lake by Lake Granby.  Waiting for our meal we stepped onto the deck which is directly by the lake, and had photos taken.  Lynn & Phyllis at left.
 Beth & Steve
The waiter took this photo of the four of us.

 On the 4th of July Steve drove us south to Breckenridge, CO to enjoy their parade and visit briefly with their daughter Kara and husband Jason & kids Tyler & Megan briefly.  Jason was working so saw him only briefly.

After the parade we rode the gondola up the mountain and looked over the area, and ate lunch.

At left, Kara and her Mom Beth and Dad Steve

      At right - Grandma Beth and Grandson Tyler
At right Kara and Aunt Phyllis

One of the neighbors had all neighbors over for visiting and eating late afternoon of the 4th.

Wind came up and was a little cool; later a rain took us inside their house for visiting.

All my photos are at My Picasa 2014-06
Much more activity during this enjoyable week.  We plan on leaving early tomorrow (Monday) morning and spend some time in Denver and maybe Colorado Springs before heading back to home in Iowa.
More later, Lynn