Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Still wet

Clarinda, IA  -  Not complaining, just the facts--still wet.  Dumped only .2" from rain gauge yesterday afternoon and .05 this morning.  Damp is the word.
 With the temperature only 39 degrees this morning and it didn't get out of the 40's yesterday, it has been a bit cool.  As a comparison, it is now 65 degrees at our house in south Texas and predicted to get to 82 degrees today. Forecast here is high of 51 degrees today.  At left are photos of the Lilac budding, just ready to pop.

Phyllis got bird feeders set out and they have been working on them.  Several birds showed up, but not able to catch any on camera just yet.

Lit the BBQ Grill in the cold last evening and did some Texas 1015 (sweet) onions with some pork.

Some irons Phyllis isn't currently using to press clothes; she set them out on the banister of the back deck.

At right shows the electric insulators Phyllis dug out of our shop/storage building and used to decorate one of the smaller benches on the deck.

I am in process of moving several LP Albums to computer and then CD's.  Brought two albums home from Kenwood house.  Don't remember where I picked them up, but they are delightful.  One album is "Tony Mottola in Romantic Guitars" presented by The Longines Symphonette Society.  The other is "Somewhere My Love - and other Romantic Movie Melodies" by The Longines Symphonette Society.  Between the two will have something over 6 hours of soothing music that can listen in car, or on the Boze player in the house.  As MP3 files all 12 LP's will fit on 1 CD's.  I have to use WAV files for use in the Excursion and can get only 2 LPs per CD in that form.

We are planning on going to Omaha tomorrow; will go by Atlantic to the salvage yard to drop off some iron, aluminum, and copper I have accumulated over the last couple years.  Need the space in the shop.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Overcast - misty

Clarinda, IA Dreary day, but no bad weather like in Arkansas and Alabama.  Phyllis talked with Bonnie & Everett Uphoff and they spent time near a closet, waiting for sirens in Heber Springs, AR but even though high winds they didn't have tornado in their town.  Lots of activity in their town of people gathering up things (water - clothing - generators, etc.) to send the 30 miles south to Livonia where the Tornado took about everything down.  Talked with Bill Oberholzer this morning; they are still in West Pensacola, FL and he said they had reported winds of 55 mph last night, but no tornado there.  I asked if their 5th-wheeler was rocking and he said, yeah.  They plan on leaving their park next Friday and will spend time at Felix & Betty's in Arkansas and head our way after a few days there.

Cousin Louise Lassen sent this photo Sunday.  She was at cousin Kent's in San Diego and his sister Karen from Nebraska was there.  Kent is now home on hospice care from the cancer he has been having radiation and chemo for last 8 months or so.

Just received this picture of Kent and wife Karen.

Found this photo from July of 2001 taken at Niabrara, Nebraska when we were there for a Square Dance shindig John Orlowski put on.  Left to right:  Nancy Bloom, Phyllis Miles, Patty Steckelberg.

In 2002 we, and Rick & Pat Steckelberg, went to the National Square Dance Convention in St. Paul, MN.  That year they had Snoopy cartoon characters all around downtown.  Here is Phyllis & Patty with Lucy.

Rick and me with another Lucy

We took part in record-setting number of people dancing on a bridge, at this convention.  As I recall, when the dancing was going on and all were stepping at same time to the call, it caused the bridge to vibrate and the needle wouldn't stay on the record that was playing, sitting on the bridge.

More later, Lynn

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Sunday rain

We missed any storm here in Clarinda, IA -- did get almost half inch of rain.  Clouds in photos at right were taken just before rain began.  Don't know if the high winds and storms developed anywhere else or not.

At left is a growing Dandelion in our yard.  A no-no.

The same Dandelion at left with roots aimed toward the sky.  The only good Dandelion is a dead Dandelion.

Front lawn -- it responded well to the fertilizer earlier in the month.

More later, Lynn

Friday, April 25, 2014

Looking back

Year ago yesterday I made this post -- 

"Wednesday, April 24, 2013

End of day - Big Bend Photos

End of day Wednesday.  We went to Coleman Outlet Store here in Wichita.  Interesting, made a few small purchases.  Was going to go to the Rubbermaid Factory in Winfield, KS, but decided to stop at the Ford Dealership to inquire about the trouble I have been having starting the Ford on cool mornings, and the roughness it shows until 5 or 6 minutes getting warmed up.  They wanted to put computer on it cold in the morning so we left it at their dealership and they had taxi bring us back to the RV park.

Rode the Recumbent Trikes couple miles and I also started to cut some boards to make small platform at back of trailer to carry the 5 gallon of gas to run the Honda Generator we carry with us.

Will hear from Ford Dealer in the morning and hopefully will get the Ford back tomorrow some time.

Meantime, I have finally trimmed, cropped, straightened and checked coloring on the Big Bend photos and they are at Big Bend Photos on Picasa
Click that if you want to watch them, either indivdually or as a slide show.

Til later, Lynn"

We were in Wichita, KS for wedding of my nephew Steven Miles marriage to Melissa Dorpinghaus on the 26th.  The Ford Excursion was in the dealers for turning down the front brakes and replacing several injectors in the engine.  On the 26th the weather was a little damp, but the wedding was held outside on a covered veranda and the reception indoors and all was well.  I made a blog Steve/Melissa's wedding a day or so later.  Click on that link and you can view that blog.

We have had rain here in Clarinda and overcast days.  I have been pretty much lazing around with sinus problems.  Sun is to be out later today and will gather some stuff to take down to the city-wide clean up gathering at the airport this afternoon.  To go in for an eye check-up in a few minutes.

More later, Lynn

Thursday, April 24, 2014


Clarinda, IA  50 degrees and rain through night.  Had about .2" of rain as of yesterday afternoon, did not look this morning.  Dark, damp days.  

With sinus problems have not ventured out since Tuesday.  I am recording an album : "Somewhere My Love" by The Longines Symphonette Recording Society, about 5 LP discs of movie themes.  Put them from record player through DAK's PC Interface Mixer to the computer, then record them on to CD's with Nero program.

Because our 2005 Ford Excursion will not play CD's with MP3, but will play WAV files I leave them in that format for one set of CD's.  Can put both sides of 2 LP's on one CD with WAV files where I will be able to put the entire album on one CD as an MP3 file that can play in our 2008 Toyota or most newer CD players.

Making plans to be in Callaway, NE for the annual Pioneer Picnic and all-school reunion the last weekend of June. Just found out yesterday that brother Darrell from Miami will be there, also.  They are planning on visiting family afterwards as they head back east.  Since we will be heading west afterwards, hope we can spend some time with them in Callaway.  We will stop to see a few people on way to Grand Lake, CO where will spend week or so with Phyllis' sister & husband as well as see their daughter and family in Denver.

 Later, Lynn

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Nice day in Kansas

 Well, we were in four states yesterday -- Iowa, Missouri, Kansas, then Nebraska, Missouri and back to Iowa.  Spent lunchtime and the afternoon at Harold & LaRohda Neher's place near Hiawatha, KS.  Donna & Burl Penny, from nearby Troy, KS, joined us there.  All three couples spend the winters in the Rio Grande Valley in Texas.
 Above is Penny & LaRohda just before lunch.  She really put on a spread.  Colorful and delicious.  Huge, thick, juicy pork chops-almost a ham-covered with a glaze.

After lunch we got down to the serious business of Pegs & Jokers.  At left is Phyllis, Harold, Donna and Burl.
 At left is Burl & LaRohda.

Phyllis & Harold.  Though we drove in a few sprinkles on the hundred miles or so to Harold's, the weather turned out to be nice -- sunshiny and in the 70's in the afternoon.  Great sunshine as we drove north from Hiawatha into Nebraska and then east into Missouri, through Mound City and on in to Iowa where we stopped at friend Patty Steckelberg's place near Shenandoah before on east to our place in Clarinda.

Coffee after Church Service

Sunday we had sung in the Methodist Church Choir at the Easter morning service.

 Roberta Rarick's son Steve, from Grayslake, IL (Near Chicago) sang in the choir and I got them to pose for a photo.

Was a bit cool this morning, but warming up nicely.  Might even get something done outside later today.  As always, you can click the "Our weather" button on top and see what it is doing here.  Click on photos to enlarge them and view as a slide-show.

Later, Lynn

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Nice weather

Clarinda, IA 64º and to get to 77º predicted.

This morning you can just see the green starting on the hedge behind the house.

This big bush has really pushed the leaves out.

Forgot what Phyllis said this plant is, I think Hydrangea (whatever that is), but it took a hit when we had the 27º degree mornings this week.

Got the trikes out (Phyllis even found the odometers that I had removed in La Feria, put in the tool box and couldn't find when we got to Clarinda) and are starting to ride.  Legs told us we hadn't ridden for several weeks.  Went couple miles first day, about 3.5 yesterday.  With hills in Clarinda it is a lot more strenuous than the same distance we had been doing in Kenwood RV Park on level ground.

If you click this picture to enlarge, you can see Phyllis has the wind chimes up, pots out to receive flowerpots sometime.

Have been working in shop, trying to get it organized, etc.  Put polyurethane on several bird houses for Phyllis.  Got the little project at right finished yesterday.  It is a small box with a top added and hole drilled for light attachment.  I have never liked the bed light which comes from the ceiling.

I have been copying photos of a year ago, when we were on our "Big Trip" onto disc and putting on a Digital Picture Frame that we can watch as we eat.  Putting the current few weeks year ago vs. current time to see what we were doing then.  Interesting.  As always, click on any of these pictures to make them larger and see as slide show.  If you want to view any of the photos I have taken in April of this year Click Here

Must get outside and work in shop today.

More Later, Lynn

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Good rain

Clarinda, IA  Though it has been cold, and we had some snow, did get quite a bit of needed rain--think the yard has doubled in height in last couple days.

Been looking back at some of my blog postings a year ago -At Amistad Reservoir and Stillwell Ranch by Big Bend when we were just starting our journey celebrating our 50th Wedding Anniversary by traveling some 17,000 miles (truck) and pulling the trailer nearly 10,000 miles for what turned out to be 5.5 months.  We had intended selling the truck and trailer when finished, but enjoyed ourselves so much have now decided to spend the summer of 2015 traveling the South East, East, and North East part of the US.

Really enjoyed that whole trip, even the breakdowns and exasperating parts because the rest made up for it.  Have thousands of photos we re-look at on a picture frame slide thingy at the dining table.

We went to Assisted Living facility in Red Oak, IA last evening, along with Jack & Karen Baumgartner and Gary & Michelle Walter.

Dave Riley, from Essex, IA, called square, line, and round dances for an hour to entertain the residents and then we went to a Chinese Restaurant in downtown Red Oak to eat and visit afterwards.  Think there were about 15 from the Clarinda Circle 8 Square Dance Club there.

I am settled into my "office" in the basement where I have access to the internet, cable TV, and all the things the computer can do.

Must be getting outside in a bit as it is warming up a bit today -- will do some work in the shop -- even though there is a lot of wind outside today.

While am in reminiscing mood, thinking of what had done at our 312 location in Kenwood, La Feria, TX site this winter.   Got new clothes washer/dryer, new bed mattress for the king size bed, replaced the mobile home back door with a steel house door, built the north end of what will be our Texas Room; part finished included storage area/work shop.  More to do when we get down there in October -- really looking forward to returning to our winter home then.

Later, Lynn

Monday, April 14, 2014


Clarinda, IA
 What a revolting development this is!!!!

Woke up a little after 6 this morning and photo at left is out our bedroom window ........  SNOW!

Temperature was showing 27 degrees outside.

I think this is April 14th and we are well in to spring..............though weather has been a little unusual all year long.

Above picture shows out front picture window towards the hospital.  I think it has been at least 4 or 5 years since we have been this close to new fallen snow.

Yesterday afternoon we drove (in lot of rain and wind) the 17 miles north to Villisca and enjoyed pizza with our friends Oliver & Mary Jo Herzberg and then play Hand and Foot cards afterwards.  Was about 34 degrees when we returned home a little after 10 pm.

I have April photos in Picasa at Click Here

Just to see if anyone is paying attention to this blog..................saw this photo of Nicholson and voices in head.....something to consider, hey?

Also,  If a hen and a half can lay an egg and a half in a day and a half,,,,,,,,,,,,,how long would it take a monkey with a wooden leg to kick the seeds out of a pickle????????

Just pondering the imponderables.

More later, Lynn

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Good rain

Clarinda, IA -  We didn't get any of the violent storm here.  Heard of hail not too far north of us.  I had .8" of rain in our gauge this morning and has been raining much of the morning here.  This area is in quite a drouth situation and this will surely help.

Got to visit with a few church people this morning we have not seen for ages -- since we were not here last summer and spent winters in Texas.

Finally getting used to where things are when get up in the middle of the night.  Different layout at our Mobile Home in Texas than when we were in the trailer.  And completely different layout here in the larger home.  Got most of the things out of storage and set up...........hope Softub (Hot tub) will be warm enough by later today to use it.  It helps take out the kinks in old bodies!

Later, Lynn

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Storm coming

Saturday evening and storm forecast with high winds, rain & hail.  Pushed things aside in the shop and backed the Ford inside in case of the hail.  We took the trailer out west of town to our old neighbor Jim Whipple's place yesterday and it is under roof, too.  It will be stored there until we need it in August when we plan to go to State Center, IA to the Midwest Kenwood RV Park Summer Rally.  We may go on east, stopping at some Kenwood friends and ending up near Delaware, Ohio -- a suburb of Columbus where our daughter lives.

When got weather warning on phone and had put the Ford under roof, took this photo to the west.

Had just gotten the hot tub out today, filled and started recirculating water (that is the way it heats) so covered it with boards and bricks to hold down.  Also put the metal picnic table and chairs back under the eaves of the house.

Catching up on some of our late travel time from Texas, at left is Don & Vicki Miles when we ate out in Cape Girardeau, MO.

At left is Jenn Miles, Don's daughter, and Phyllis.

Playing cards with Don and Vicki before he had to drive in to Cape Girardeau to give a massage at the Health Center.

The next day it was very windy and very cold as we stopped at Marti & Carl's place and set up the trailer in their driveway.

This afternoon I got the hot tub out of the shop and tightened up all the fittings inside the motor area and then connected it to the tub.
 Some of the pottery stored in the little trailer that will be set up on the wall below the front window and flower pots put in them.

Getting yard stuff out of the trailer where it had been stored since fall of 2012.

Surprisingly, no leaks and tub filled and heat/circulating going on.

Friday we had the Dish guy here in the morning, getting our 3rd & 4th TV's working in the dining/entry area and also at my desk in the basement by the computer.  Also had the Mediacom guy hook up the cable internet so can keep up with the blog---------when in the mood.

Last Sunday Cam's took us to What Cheer, IA where we enjoyed the concert of community band -- Grandson-in-law played the tuba in this program.

Cam getting ready to go to work on Monday morning when he took us back to our trailer parked in the bank parking lot.

This cute throw rug is in Ashley & Heath's kitchen.

On the way to What Cheer we ate Sunday lunch at Thornburg, IA
On Monday we had blow out of the spare tire we had put on week earlier in Arkansas when we were just north of Villisca.  had the coop come out and put on a new tire on original wheel (spare steel wheel was bent up).

Dumped our tanks (from the week's journey) at the city airport dump site before coming in home.

Spotted back where the trailer was on October 15th when we headed to Texas.

No leaves on the trees here.  We had come through a lot of "green" areas not too far south of here.  This is looking from front of garage towards my shop/shed.

Front of house.
 Parked this way the wheels of the trailer, and the hitch, are on cement.  If I needed to unhitch, could leave it here.

Took lots of time to transfer all the stuff out of the trailer and truck that we had brought from our home in La Feria, TX.

Lots of leaves accumulated since October 15, 2013.
 The Worx vac I got sucks up the leaves, grinds them to 1/10th the size/space.

Wasn't nuts about the temperature one morning this week.

Cleaning the leaves.  Behind Phyllis is the cart where I was chopping the leaves and blowing them onto the bank of the old railroad right-of-way just past the hedge row.


and blowin.....................

By just after lunch the temp had raised quite a bit with a strong south wind blowing.

When finally got the wheels back on the recumbent trikes we took a spin.  Haven't ridden them for several weeks and needing to work the legs back in shape.

This is on the trike, looking northwest as we come up LaPerla street to our house.

On Wednesday evening we went to Choir practice at the Methodist Church -- Linda had requested our presence -- first time in almost 2 years.

Then we went to Clarinda Circle 8 Square Dance where Lanny Weekland from Omaha was the caller.  We used to be members of this club, but are gone most of the year when they are dancing.
Carolyn Rude had a lot of photos on display from the Iowa State Square Dance Convention that she and Southwest Iowa put on.

This is photo I took off Carolyn's Facebook page of those from the local club at the State Convention in Council Bluffs.

Well, got you caught up on some of our activities.  Seems like a busy week--haven't been to this home for a whole week yet.
Will see what next week brings.

Later, Lynn