Monday, March 5, 2012

Heading to The Christmas House!

Border Fest (at Hidalgo, TX) was this weekend and we went with Oliver & Mary Jo on Saturday.  Was cool and really windy for the parade, but had a good crowd out.
One way to keep your arms warm if you are wearing a short sleeved shirt. (Bags for folding lawn chairs)
Various layers of clothing, sitting in stands waiting for 1.5 hour long parade to come by reviewing stands.

Lots of bands, flags, floats, etc. in the parade.

Lots of convertibles with ladies in the back, but this had a most unusual trailer behind it.
This was the concourse at the entrance before the crowds came.  Look at the wind-blown things.
Sun was finally coming out as we ate lunch.

Saw Pam & Harold hot-footin' it along. (this was taken with telephoto, Pam.)
Went through health tent, had blood pressure and blood glucose checked.
Watched a monkey show with several baboons.  This one was trying to stare me down!
Where to next, after the monkey show.
This exhibition showed many different dances of many different Indian Tribes of United States.
As windy as it was, seems a bit of luck that this guy, who summer-salted at least 3 times on way down, hit the pool of water below.  Made a heck of a big splash.
Crowd leaving tent after Charo was on stage.  We saw a bit of her act while waiting at the door way.  She is just as nuts as always.
These kids, from someplace in Mexico, did all their singing and announcing in Spanish.  Were real performers, even though many of the boys were young.  I recorded some 22 minutes of their performance on video so have the sound.

We headed back about 4:30 pm and stopped at Phat Daddy's for sandwiches on the way home.
Sunday we went with 10 other people to I Hop in Harlingen for lunch about 11 am.  Had to wait for a while to get in, but had good lunch.

 Katie, on the right by Phyllis, daughter of Lyle & Doris Winters, was with them for the weekend.
 Paul got to sit at the head of the table, but he didn't pick up the check for all of us!

After going to the Rec Hall for announcements and ice cream, we had 6 people join us for pegs & jokers at our house last evening.  This morning, after going to the Kenwood Association meeting, we are heading north to Falfurris, TX   Click this to see their blog page:
Till later, Lynn

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