Monday, March 19, 2012

Spring Almost Here!

La Feria, TX  74º overcast.   To get a little cooler today with chance of spotty showers.
    Phyllis and some of the ladies are heading to Padre Island this morning for some beach time.  Don't know if many of the "spring breakers" are still there or not.

LaRhoda, Phyllis, Lavin, Darlene
I finally put the Texas Star that we brought from Clarinda on the front of our house.  This gaggle of girls were scheming, or planning, or BS'ing in front of the house while I was on the ladder.
We rode bikes this weekend and someone caught picture of us.
Here were some people after church Sunday.
We went over to the Don Wes Flea Market a bit after lunch, which we ate with 10 other people at Luby's.
Still a pretty good sized crowd at the flea market.  Saturday evening we had lots of people turn out for the St. Patrick's supper at the Rec Hall:

 Last night, Sunday, we stayed after ice-cream and played pegs and jokers with some friends.
Harold, Phyllis, Bill

Phyllis, Bill & LaRhoda's arm
I think something was spilled on the floor and Pam was cleaning it the accompaniment of a lot of hoots and hollers.

Lets see, it's right down there!
We think Harold is encouraging Pam to work faster......................................
Oh, now she is getting it.
.Try to see more photos at
from there you can look at any of the other albums I have up on picasa.
Till later, Lynn


  1. We always find something we can't live without at Don Wes Flea Market. I didn't know Pegs and Jokers could be such fun. Enjoy your week. ~wheresweaver

  2. Lynn and Phyllis thanks so much for sharing. We really had a wonderful time at Kenwood and met so awesome friends. We will try to come to the Rally in Iowa. Please keep in touch.

    James & Barbara Patton
