La Feria, TX 67º heavy overcast. Been overcast for several days. In the 50's for lows.
Bathtub several days ago.
Sink and counter several days ago.
Most of the sink/counter removed.
Sink/counter gone, stool apart to replace rubber gaskets between bowl and water box.
Wall sections and floor for shower ready to install. When the shower is installed then will put in the new sink and counter. 
Part of the raised floor for under shower in place and drain glued in place. Will finish the rest of the supports, measure the short pipe to go from shower drain to the trap below, cut and glue and then lay down the floor of the unit. Will need to build a new wall for the right side, leaving about 15" for storage between the shower unit and the wall.Old kitchen base removed.
One of the base units started into position. Lower old doors removed for varnishing.
Both new base units put under counter, ready for use in the kitchen.
One evening we had the Fergusons over to our house for game of Mexican Train Dominoes. To right is Karen, Don, Helen.
To right is Lawrence, Phyllis, Jack.
Jake and Lynn
Lynn, Karen & Don
Sunday evening, after announcements and ice cream at the club house, several different games were played in the back room.
On Monday, ceremony of lowering the flag and raising a new flag on the flag pole in front of the club house was held. Then program was finished indoors.
At left shows new PVC pipes for hanging clothes to dry, and round thingy for hanging small items, in place at our back door.
At right shows our raised deck from the back.
At right shows the deck with some temprorary screening (salvaged from our travel trailer) to see how enclosing it would be. At the right side is an old screen that Jake & Helen took off their carport.
We may buy some properly fitted, new screening for the north end of the deck. Sure made a difference with this cool, damp windy days lately.
Just to show a little of what we have been doing this last week. More to do around the place. More neighbors show up every day. We are to help serve Turkey at the clubhouse on Thanksgiving day for noon meal.
Till next time.
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