Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Trike ride in La Feria

Dateline La Feria, TX.  Temp 73 degrees - was 90 in afternoon.

We took off south down Highway Farm-Market 506 on our recumbent trikes and crossed under Expressway 83 and then another 5 blocks or so crossed Business 83 and wondered around the streets mostly on the east side of 506 looking at the homes of La Feria this morning after Phyllis did water aerobics and we both went to stretching exercises and then ate breakfast.  Some nice houses:

and, some of the area with older, more used homes.  There are a lot of different trees, flowering plants, blooming flowers, etc.  Here is an unusual, but very pretty plant we saw at the end of one driveway.

After about 9 miles we headed home, did some things including I went for about 6 laps in the swimming pool and then 10 minutes in the hot tub, and then headed out for a bite to eat at Stars -- $4.33 for chicken nuggets for both of us.  Noticed some "Texas Snow" on the sidewalk at the restaurant -- this is the small pieces of burnt sugar cane from a field being burned just prior to harvesting.  We didn't see these fall, but have some times.

Then did some shopping at several places, including visiting a bit with lady at Aloe King  http://www.aloeking.com/  She will turn 89 and her husband, JR, turned 90 in September.  She has had a few health problems, but is still managing the store.  We picked up some foot lotion for me and some hair jell for Phyllis.  Got some more plant soil at Stuart Place Nursery where this "tree" out front has a base of about 6 feet across and then all these little branches growing out of the trunk from several trimmings.
Click on any of the photos to enlarge.
Tomorrow Phyllis bakes a couple pumpkin pies for the Thanksgiving meal at the rec hall Thursday.
Till later, Lynn

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