Wednesday, August 1, 2012

August is here--Where did July go?

Clarinda, IA  89º predicted high 99º
 We're in a new month and the Midwest is just as hot as July.  Picture at right shows the lawn (& the neighbor's RV after he returned from last trip). 

Photo below shows airing up the trikes with pump powered by the car's 12 volt system.  Oh yeah, that is Phyllis leaning over the garden hose filling some milk jugs to water flowers.  I didn't notice here when snapped this picture.  Should have waited a bit.
This morning it was a little cooler when we went for our ride.  Only about 70º when we started out about 7 am.  We have been riding about 7 miles each morning with much of it on steep hills.  Seems like the same hill is lot steeper going up than going down.

Sunday morning's ride was quite productive as we rode by the nearby restaurant/bar and found that many a folk finished their evening in the parking lot and chucked their cans there. 

Page County Fair was this last week.  Since we don't have kids or grand kids in the fair any more we don't attend like we should.  However, on Friday we helped with the pop/water stand for the 4-H group.  Watched a few minutes of hog judging before we reported for duty.

 Since we had the 10:00 am to 12:00 am shift and the morning was cooler than had been we weren't exactly over-worked.  The pop was in ice water and it took only a few seconds of fetching out the lower bottles to numb your hands/arms.
 On Friday evening we participated in the Square Dance with the Clarinda Circle 8 Square Dance Club, dancing in a pavilion where spectators could watch.  Since it is advertised that lessons will start this next week it was hoped that some interest would arise for those lessons.

Didn't get any photos at the dancing site, but, of course, we all went out for ice cream at the local Runza Restaurant afterward and took a few photos of this activity.

Phyllis is going to the church to the sew & share (or visit & eat) session this afternoon.  I am going to bring the Ford Excursion in from storage and start getting tires checked, hitched up, etc. for Friday

Oh, did you know plants created animals so they would have some way of spreading their seeds?
Till later, Lynn

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