Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Kenwood Summer Rally - State Center, IA

State Center, IA 75 degrees.  Has been real cool here, with some 20 people gathering over the weekend.  This afternoon officially starts the rally, but many got together earlier.  One group of 4 units not only got together here, but have made reservations to go to a park in Florida this winter instead of returning to La Feria, TX.  Yesterday sweet corn was picked and we enjoyed that for supper last night along with some Casey's Pizza and dishes some brought. 
At noon a group of 8 or 9 are going to Des Moines to tour the John Deere Plant that Bob Morse set up for us.

Weather has been cool, but to get in to lower 90's today.  So far have hardly had to run air conditioners other than Friday evening.

This morning Leonard and Bill made waffles, with strawberries, eggs for breakfast.

Last night we introduced Judy to Pegs & Jokers, and of course her team won.

Will catch up later, Lynn

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