Sunday, May 6, 2012

Marengo, IA

In Marengo where we missed the rain today.  About 79 degrees and heavy overcast.  We came from Clarinda on Friday and stopped in Montezuma where we visited a bit with granddaughter Ashley where she works at cafe/bowling alley.  Went on to Marengo and in evening drove over to Carnforce and ate at a nice restaurant in a town really, really small.  Saturday we went to the Mall on I80 and then ate at Subway.  In the afternoon Cam, Patty & Phyllis put some river rock and brick around the west side of their new house addition.  Saturday evening, after a barbeque and supper on their new deck we played Pegs & Jokers where the guys happened to win 5 games.  Today Emmy got back from her trip to Linn, MO where she went to college graduation yesterday of her boyfriend Vince.  We will be going into town to Heath & Ashley's place to a barbeque and a set of "revenge" games according to Ash.  We will be going back to Clarinda on Monday.
Will put some photos on when I have a better connection.

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