Friday, May 25, 2012

Wind, Wind, Wind

Clarinda, IA 68º light rain
    As I write this there is some rain outside  (upstairs and outside as I have the computer in the basement) and is first rain we have had for about 3 weeks.  The last several weeks the wind has blown ferociously out of the south most days.  Reminded us of being in the Rio Grande Valley as there is almost a constant south wind there.

 We have been eating out on the deck quite often and Phyllis has bird feeders right close.  Lately some humming birds have been coming in to slurp up the red stuff.  They usually flutter and are gone so quick I can't get a photo.  The other day this one actually stood on the little stand and slurped up the sugary water and stayed for a bit.  Got to be a little more restful than fluttering at about a million flaps per second, or whatever they do.
Temperature has gotten up into lower 90's several times, but with the wind it hasn't felt too bad, and the flies and mosquitoes haven't been a problem.  The flies have started to bother us in the house, but guess it has been too dry for the mosquitoes to get started.

Phyllis' sister and husband (and dog Homer) were here for a couple days.  Homer is something like 13 years old and needs help getting up and to walk and to get in the car.

And the wind was really gusting that day as they were getting ready to go to Omaha to be with their son and family.  One of the granddaughters had a birthday this week and they, with the kids and grand-kids, will be back here Saturday and Sunday.

I went out to our storage unit and got our travel trailer and brought it in to set up here and do some work on it and also be a place for the young grand daughters to "camp" Saturday night.

Is close to the house and imagine the girls will enjoy it.

While we were picking up the trailer we visited with Jim Whipple and looked at some of the wheels he has been re-working to put on a wagon that he has restored.  They won't go on this wagon, but it is a steel wheeled one he is about finished with.
 He said he gets the replacement parts he needs from an Amish area in Pennsylvania.  The pieces of the wheel have to be assembled and the spokes put in.  Jim has the steel rims that fits around wood.  The steel has to be heated to make it expand and then put around the wood, and then water put on it to make the steel shrink and fit tight around the wood.  He then puts 4 bolts through the steel and wood.


Thursday we had a visit from some friends who lived in this area many years ago and moved to the Rio Grande Valley in the 1990's.  We had visited them a few times this winter.  They were returning for a class reunion this weekend.
    One of our neighbors has a cherry tree and offered us to pick all we could.  Phyllis made 3 pies and I think has enough for another couple.

I didn't get a picture of the tree, but took one photo while holding the ladder (and bucket) while Phyllis got some of the higher cherries. 

Speaking of books............ I am about through with the book

Behind the Lines: Powerful and Revealing American and Foreign War Letters -- and One Man's Search to Find Them by Andrew Carroll 

I am also reading  The Greatest Generation by Tom Brokaw

Well, I had several more things in mind when I started this post, but sure can't remember them now.  Looking forward to this weekend with all the family around.

Till later, Lynn


  1. Replies
    1. I thought so. Actually we both picked two buckets from the ground and then afterwards went back and got another bucket up higher.
