Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Still Nice weather in Iowa

Clarinda, IA 77 degrees bright sunshine.
      Yesterday we had Phyllis cousin Don Runyan and wife Bessie stop for a visit and ate lunch with us.
They used to live in Clarinda until they retired in the 90's and moved to Gravette, AR and they now winter in Rockport, TX near Corpus Christi.  We have visited with them several times on the way to the Rio Grande Valley.  We ate a lunch on the back deck and enjoyed watching the birds while we visited.

Last evening we picked up Leland & Bonnie Brown and Arnold & Mary Dammann and drove to Red Oak to one of the nursing homes where we entertained them by square dancing and round dancing for an hour.  Here is a group photo we took as well as a few photos of some of us round dancing.

After dancing we went to the local Pizza Ranch and enjoyed their fine food while gabbing.

Tonight we are going to our last choir practice of the year and then all will eat together afterwards.

Till next time, Lynn


  1. WOW...your square dancing group is huge. I am sure the nursing home folks enjoyed it!

    1. With only two squares it doesn't seem too big. Understand back in the 1950's, when this club was started, they had over a hundred couples dancing and they had to take a colored ribbon when they came in--allowing them to dance only when their color was shown. Lots of age in the group any more and not too many young ones coming into square dancing. We are edging out ourselves.
