Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Not last week in Kenwood

La Feria, TX 86º
   Well, it is Wednesday and we are going to be here until at least next Monday as I need to get some more work done on teeth. 

       We had a real hard rain here yesterday, at least an inch and much of it came really hard.  This area has been really dry, but this was only a small area as we were in Progreso and did not have any rain on us until we got back to La Feria, itself; not even any rain in Mercedes next door. 
Here is a photo I took of a One Million Dollar Bill under the glass counter in the American Pharmacy in Progreso, Mexico.  Of course, the US only prints paper currency up to $100.  Would sure look good in my billfold, if I could have gotten it.

We stopped at the Rec Hall Tuesday in time to catch the last part of the last performance of the season of the Blue Grass Jam. 

Was a small crowd and small number of performers as many have gone north.  Earlier we had picked up a bag of Texas 1015 Onions and also stopped at Granny Clare's Citrus to get some grapefruit to take to friends up north.

Sunday evening we had helped serve the last of the ice cream at the Rec Hall and then played Pegs & Jokers with friends from Illinois and Michigan.

I don't remember who won how many games, but we had an enjoyable evening.

Today is Phyllis' 68'th birthday anniversary.  To celebrate it she was suffering from some stomach flu.  She has laid around the house and I have not done much more; made a little more of a block to the hole near our air conditioner where animals have been entering.  Have started cleaning out my storage shed and putting things in the little trailer so we can start for Iowa next week. 
With RV's moving out every day and not too many left, it is looking pretty empty at the park.

Till later, Lynn

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